Patient Charts & Secure Medical Records
View and search all patient data on one page, from demographics data to lab results and treatment progress. Modify data in real time.Physician Consult System
Seek second opinions from fellow physicians by selectively sharing relevant data. Track progress on requested consults and discuss cases in detail.Appointment and Scheduling System
Effectively schedule and manage patient appointments to reduce abandonment. One of the key quality improvement features seamlessly integrated with Resonance Patient Center. Use dashboards and data export to review improvement and view trends.Treatment Roadmap Builder
Set up a customized treatment roadmap to support care teams navigate drug and dosing across protocols or blocks of therapy.Reporting and Dashboards
Custom reporting tools and dashboards support high quality data entry, self assessment of quality, and analytics for users and data managers.Out of the box 3100+ medical field elements and 100+ medical data template forms available.
Standard form
More than 70 standard medical data collection forms to chose from, specializing in oncology disease states.Dynamic form
Customize or create new forms for specific registry, EHR, or research needs.Resonance successfully partnered with the Saudi Arabia Pediatric Hematology Society (SAPHOS) to support their study on using next generation sequencing to evaluate mutation prevalence and progonostication in pediatric acute leukemia. Patient center and our expertise provided:
Resonance subject matter experts supported database development and data modeling.
Created eCRF for protocol, validated eCRF.
Site initiation training on eCRF system & Resonance Patient Center.
Data validation and analysis with ongoing system maintenance by the Resonance team.