Our current clinical trials

Global Retrospective Study of the Clinical Characteristics, Treatment, and Outcomes of Children with Neuroblastoma and Other Neuroblastic Tumors

This is a retrospective observational multinational study. A total of 18 sites from all over the world are participating (and counting). We develop this project to be able to collect data on patients diagnosed with neuroblastoma all over the world and to learn about types of treatments used and outcomes at a global scale.

These are the main objectives of this study:

  1. Evaluate treatment patterns, end-induction response, and 5-year OS and ESF in patients 0 to 21 years old diagnosed with neuroblastoma.
  2. Describe the clinical characteristics, staging, risk distribution, and treatment in patients diagnosed with neuroblastoma and other neuroblastic tumors, such as ganglioneuroblastoma or ganglioneuroma, at each participating center.
  3. Evaluate the causes of mortality in this patient cohort.
  4. Identify relapse patterns, rates of relapse, and the association with availability of resources.
  5. Describe and compare the resources available to treat neuroblastoma in each participating center.

Assessment of end-induction response as a surrogate for event-free survival and overall survival in newly diagnosed high-risk neuroblastoma: a collaboration of the Global Neuroblastoma Network and the Resonance Research Network

This is a retrospective multinational study. We will study large data sets from many groups of patients from various countries and institutions where different treatment regimens are used. We will assess if the end-of induction response can independently predict survival outcomes in people with HR neuroblastoma and therefore represents a valid surrogate for EFS and OS independently of the type of induction and post induction therapy used and controlling for all known clinical and biological risk factors.


  1. To assess end-induction overall responses (CR or PR) as a surrogate for event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS) in people with high-risk neuroblastoma diagnosed from January 1,1980 through December 31, 2020.
  2. Create a multivariable model that predicts EFS and OS and can be used to evaluate the association of end-induction response with survival outcomes (EFS and OS) while controlling for all known prognostic factors, including different treatments protocols, clinical variables, and biological features.

Data sources:

  • De-identified real-world data already available from other projects or protocols
  • Published data that is publicly available as supplemental appendices or "by request" data sets.
  • Registry data from institutions, national databases, collaborative research groups, or other entities
  • Data collected in centers that have opened the Resonance Research Network global neuroblastoma retrospective study and agree to provide anonymized, de-identified data for this project.
If you are interested in participating in any of these studies, please email gabriela.villanueva@resonancehealth.org